The answer to your questions, the calm to your worries

Maddie’s Healing Readings

Maddie is an intuitive, psychic Tarot Reader, based in the UK

Maddie has given many life-affirming Tarot Readings to people seeking clarity, reassurance and guidance about their life, channelled from Spirit.

Maddie’s Healing Readings are spiritually-lead and intuitively channelled Tarot Readings, which can deliver guidance and healing messages that are meant to reach you for whatever you’re experiencing in your life right now. 

Maddie is an experienced Intuitive Tarot Reader and Healer, who channels healing messages through Tarot and Oracle cards to address any situation or difficulty you are facing, and provide you with the insight, clarity and guidance that you need.

1-2-1 Tapped-In Spiritual Knowledge and Guidance Directly To You!

Choose from a range of readings, online or in person, whenever it suits you

Maddie’s clients’ testimonials:

‘Having gone into it a little bit sceptical, I am now officially a convert!’

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‘Wow. So much of what Maddie said in our reading resonated, but it was what happened afterwards that floored me. She gave me a specific piece of information about something that she saw for me in the future and within 12 hours it was already happening! Not just a card reading but truly a gift. Maddie’s wisdom, insight and intuition is awe inspiring. This was one of the most amazing experiences and I can’t wait to watch her shine her light over other people too!’

‘Remarkable and significant’

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‘I found maddie to have a deep awareness and connection with Spirit, the kind that is rare yet evident. There is an energy that Maddie brings to her readings which is refreshing, whilst still being compassionate and wise to life and Spirit. Maddie is in many ways an old soul in a young body so to speak. Her awareness and wisdom brought to life the depth and breadth of my challenges and situation, coupled to seeing the way ahead that surfaced a deep peace and calm within me. This energy has stayed with me for many hours since the reading with Maddie and this by itself is both remarkable and significant. Her intuition, connection with Spirit and guidance are wonderful and I was left impressed by how she weaved them all together to my benefit. I would encourage you to see for yourself.’

‘Maddie really is quite remarkable and has a true gift’

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‘I can’t tell you what a difference our reading made to my perspective. I know everything the cards showed is right because my body feels so relaxed. I’ve experienced a big shift from where I was before we spoke. Maddie really understands human connection and human emotion, and it’s wonderful to experience.’

‘Maddie is really something else’

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‘The energy, the confidence & simply the accurateness of Maddies reading really amazed me. I did one reading before but Maddie is really something else. The passion and the way she really taps in is on another level of whatever you seen before. Thank you so much for doing the reading! Big recommendation!!!!!’

Truly Blown Away

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There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that Maddie is an exceptionally gifted tarot card reader. She started the session by tapping into her spiritual energy, and it’s during this connection that she mentioned something quite unusual, which unexpectedly struck a deeply personal and profoundly moving chord within me. This initial, unique connection set the stage for what followed—a revelation of Maddie’s extraordinary talent for understanding and interpreting the tarot cards. By the end of the reading, I was truly blown away as so much of what she conveyed resonated with me on a profound level. I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Maddie, and I genuinely believe her spiritual guidance will continue to carry her far on her path.

A Gift To The Soul

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A reading with Maddie feels like a gift to the soul. A very special experience! She has an uncanny ability to get to the heartful nub of whatever issue you bring to your session, revealing perspectives and insights in a way that is genuinely healing and ‘chimes’ with where-ever you happen to be in life, or whatever cross-roads. I came away from my session with Maddie with insights and a sense of resolution I know I would not have been able to reach without her. She combines her exceptional talent and sensitivity in assisting with the way forward with originality, humour, lightness and fun, working with intuitive consideration of her client’s needs to let light in on even the thorniest of life tangles! I chose to have the longer tarot session, which I would recommend.

‘Maddie & Tarot is a Match Made in The Heavens!!’

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‘The two readings we had together were next-level expansive and activating. I was desiring clarity and a safe space to process the overwhelm I was feeling with certain areas of life. We went deep into so many pieces – love, learning, past lives, opportunities, career and money. I left the reading feeling redirected and excited for the new potentials we spoke into. It initiated me into my next steps and helped me to see all of the beauty and prosperity coming my way as well as some reflection pieces to feel into further. Tarot is Maddie’s Jam! I will definitely continue to connect with her in this way, it’s both practical and otherworldly magic.’

‘My Favourite Tarot Reading I’ve Ever Had Was With Maddie’

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‘She brings lightness, fun and laughter to her work and the messages she intuitively channels are spot on! She is totally open and connected to the other realms. I was seeking guidance on the next 3 months of my life & received that and so much more. If you are looking for spiritual guidance, Maddie is your person!’


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My first reading with Maddie was in Sept 2022 and everything unfolded just as she said! The one I had today has been so affirming of so many things I was already feeling for the next 6 months. If you feel at a crossroads or just froth off this kind of work… do not hesitate to book a reading with this mystic magician!!!
Book an intuitive tarot reading, specially personalised for you, Today!

What does a Tarot Reading with Maddie consist of?

These sessions are composed of channelled messages through the tarot including time for any questions you may have which I will do my best to answer through the cards.

Tarot readings will be structured as such:

A ‘General Reading’, in which I will channel through the cards the most significant areas of your life that need acknowledging and to be talked through.

This can include:

  • Things from your past that have been significant & are affecting the way you are feeling or operating at this time.
  • Important factors influencing your present
  • Current life circumstances
  • Areas that may contain difficulty for you right now


Wisdom, Guidance and Advice from Source / Spirit/ your Spirit Guides / Your Higher Self / Goddesses / your Higher Power intuitively channelled, presented to me through the cards and communicated to you. This usually contains messages such as:

  • What you need to know right now
  • What you need to do {to improve your situation}
  • What is important for you to focus on
  • What’s coming next
  • What to look forward to

And lastly, you can ask questions, for example:

  • Ask for me to do a short reading on a specific area of your life that hasn’t been covered already
  • Ask me to answer a specific question of yours
  • Ask to recap what has been said
  • Ask if there are any extra messages or advice from higher powers
Maddie’s Healing Readings are a holistic supplementary wellness aid, that should be used alongside prescribed medical advice from professionals.
If you are suffering from mental or physical health conditions, please contact your GP, alongside any sessions we may have, to ensure you are wholly looked after.
If you are suffering from suicidal thoughts or feel imminently unsafe or at risk of harm, please call the NHS at 111 or call The Samaritans at 116 123.
Additionally: What you choose to do with the information & guidance given, and the outcome of your choices after the reading, is not within the company’s liability.
Maddie’s Healing Readings (co.) is not liable to any damages due to the outcomes of the decisions made by the client, even if based upon the guidance given in the reading.

Book your personalised Tarot Reading with Maddie below:

Have any questions? Contact me at